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Save Button

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:59 am
by bassbrawls
I hate to sound stupid, but what does the "Save" button do on the operations dialogs? Also, the Help button doesn't work on Hole Pocketing dialog.

Save Button

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 5:49 pm
by MecSoft Support
The save button saves all the parameters for that operation. This is useful if you have a large part. You can save the operations instead of generating them. At the end you can do a generate all and the computer will generate all the toolpaths and you can work on other things.

Also, when you are trying to create the toolpaths and if you get errors like "invalid parameters" etc, you can select the save button on the operation and then save the file. You can send the file to us and we can easily recreate the problem here and fix it.

We will look into the help on hole pocketing