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Renaming MOps

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:26 am
by bassbrawls
If I use the Delete key while renaming an MOp, the entire Op is deleted. Boo. Hiss. Bad. Also, I can't undo the deletion. Boo. Hiss. Real bad.

Renaming MOps

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:22 am
by obwan425

Easy fix!! Don't hit the delete key..Sorry had too!If you click the name the whole thing highlights,from there type.It will automatically delete.If you get technical,it will actually save you one step everytime you do that.So see they are actually doing you a favor they are just trying to break you of a bad habbit..See the glass is always half full!!No serious seems like a bad idea.Last thing you want to do is delete a tough curve machine that took like 15 minutes to crunch!!I don't really care for how you can highlight the machining ops name and hit delete by accident thinking you are on something else and wipe out your whole browser full of toolpaths either. Seems like it should be reserved to a right click kind of a deal.But if I had my druthers I would rather see them concentrate on developing a CONTOUR RE_MACHINE;-)~
