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Levels in parallel finishing

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:01 pm
by dgolber
I'm running RhinoCAM 2012 on Windows 7.

Parallel finishing. The part is 16.632mm high at the highest point, and I want to leave 0.5mm stock. But I'm starting with stock 20mm thick, and I want to take 2mm successive cuts. So the first cut level should be at 18mm, then at 16, etc.

I set box stock height to 20 mm. In Parameters, I set Stock = 0.5, highest Z = 20, lowest Z not specified. Multiple step-down Z cuts with distance 2mm.

Then the first cut is at height 14.784!!! (both the Toolpath and the simulation window agree.)

What's going on? How do I do this?

(I had this kind of thing working before, but I haven't used RhinoCAM for a while. Did I forget something?)

Thank you.

Re: Levels in parallel finishing

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:06 pm
by dgolber
Actually I found a way to do this:

It seems that Rhino Cam will not set the highest cutting height higher than the highest thing in the Rhino model. So if you create a little flat rectangle somewhere off to the side, away from your "real" model, then you can set the highest cutting height to any height up to the height of that little rectangle. You don't have to use the rectangle, select it, or anything, as long as it's there.