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VisualMILL machines 3.3 Million triangles STL file

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:10 pm
by MecSoft Marketing
MecSoft Corporation has announced the availability of VisualMILL 6.0 and RhinoCAM 2.0 built with LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch to enable use of 3Gig of RAM on 32 bit Windows operating systems. In addition to this additional memory management enhancements to allow machining large parts has been announced.

All of this is available in version VisualMILL

Part Size: 191.975464 x 345.860802 x 112.461582

Horizontal Roughing - Flat Mill 12MM
Computation time: Approx 10 minutes
# of GoTo's: 15347
Tolerance: intol/outtol = 0.1mm
Step over: 30% tool diameter
Step down: 50% tool diameter
Cut Pattern: Stock Offset-Pocketing

Parallel Finishing - Ball Mill 6MM
Computation time: Approx 3 minutes
# of GoTo's: 238258
Tolerance: intol/outtol = 0.01mm
Step over: 10% tool diameter