Mecsoft version 5 question

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Mecsoft version 5 question

Post by obwan425 »


I am not sure as to why in version 4. when importing a .3dm file the colors were correct..Now in 5.0 they are not? I started translating my iges files to .3dm for version 4. so I could retain the colors which worked good other than getting a lot of holes...Now excited like crazy in version 5 to just be able to read the iges direct,the colors fail..Go back to the trusted .3dm and also fail!! Explain!!

side note:I have opened the iges in 3 different applications and the colors were ok??Rhino displays the iges and the .3dm perfectly.why? What is it that they have to their translator that we don't have? No holes or wierd looking surfaces ever in rhino?Soon as they go to V.M I've got holes,bunched surfaces and wierd colors,Its starting to get very annoying..I love this software I think it is the gretest thing since sliced bread,I just need a better tesselator or translator or whatever it is that is giving me junky surfaces.Comes in clean in rhino or any other cad sofware I use, comes in with holes in visualmill.

Also I was wondering is it impossible to code in a current cutter display button,so I can tell where I am making my boundaries?? For a sofware that doesn't z-level remachine,I would think having a cutter display that follows the mouse while you are creating machining boundaries over the stock model(where you can visually see the heavy areas,and scallops would be one heck of an idea!!Save major time maybe..

Try making a lace cut to pick out an almost vertical wall 5 inches deep 12 inches long major shape and curvature and try to make a tight machining boundary.It can be done but with so much effort it becomes nonsense.Make a toolpath..crunch..trim toolpath..use trimmed toolpath to trace for new boundary..can't use trimmed toolpath it lifts five feet in the crunch...hope i didn't go to high up the wall with my boundarie??? If I first cut that wall with a 1" ball and I have to get down to a sharp corner it is more than one toolpath we are talking about here.. Its not wood, its mold steel!! I might require 3 or 4 paths to get down that one wall..Now multiply that times 8 walls total on the job and then look at every job we cut..
I am amazed you haven't seen a need for this feature.

I had a script made for rhino to display a cutter diameter while I create a polyline for export region so I can import stock models and use the cad file to create boundaries, but it hogs processor time I don't have an all the time updated stock model at the push of a button with multi colors, I can't check the stock compare. Bla,Bla,Bla..I know you have fix beep at the top of the priority list but try to fit this major issue in the next service release..Not having a current cutter disply makes the software look rinky dink (which its not) and alot harder to use..It would go like white on rice with that awesome stock model !!I could be dangerously effective...Not to mention it would keep the boss fron comming over and asking me why I am cutting air halfway up that wall ;-(((

Thank you,

MecSoft Support
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Mecsoft version 5 question

Post by MecSoft Support »

Thanks for the rant (honest!). Sometimes it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. (Hint - For all you users who are not registered yet!). We got the problems you reported as well as the cutter display function you reported implemented. We have already sent you an email on how to get to this. Once this is all tested and ready to go we will make it available to the entire customer base in our next SP.
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Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:15 pm

Mecsoft version 5 question

Post by obwan425 »


You guys are really great..Now that I can read the iges direct,things are much smoother the colors are perfect and the cutter boundary is awesome.Everything I hoped it would be.Thanks for listening.
One happy v.m.'er
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